Best Motivational Books That Every Students Should Read Once

Best Motivational Books

Juggling responsibilities, and facing multiple challenges while trying to lead a peaceful uneventful life is not very stress-liberating. In our ever-evolving world, the academic landscape is known to be one of the most stressful conditions a child can be thrust into. While navigating this complex scenario, it is crucial that we have a hold on our mental health and that we stay motivated and inspired. This page lists five of the best-selling motivational books for students, which were custom-made as your propellant towards success.


 In his bestselling book, Covey outlines seven essential personal and professional development habits. Covey’s seven principles can transform your behaviour and mindset, increasing efficiency in everything you do. Covey believes that fostering effective personal and professional success is the key that contributes to your motivational level. Covey’s holistic approach to success lists habits such as being proactive, putting first things first, thinking win-win, and more. With over 40 million copies sold, this top motivational book is an invaluable guide for students looking to take on life headfirst.

#2 ATOMIC HABITS by James Clear 

In this powerful guide, Clear focuses on building positive habits and attributes that lead to long-term success and happiness. The book breaks down the science behind habit formation into sections and then provides strategies for profoundly impacting our way of living by making small changes. This book is one of the all-time Best-Selling Motivational Books and an essential read to learn time management and productivity.   

#3 MAN’S SEARCH FOR MEANING by Viktor E Frankl 

With over 12 million copies sold worldwide, this book is one of the top motivational books for students to read. The book follows Frankl's experiences in a Nazi concentration camp as a prisoner which led to him developing the theory of logotherapy. The theory stresses the importance of finding meaning and purpose in life. He believes that achieving this will give life significance and enable us to endure the most challenging circumstances. An important book in the field of psychology, this book is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the ability to endure anything thrown in its way.


Through extensive research and real-life examples, Duckworth delves into the qualities that contribute to extraordinary achievements in this bestseller. The book states how passion and perseverance (grit) are often more critical than just solely based on talent. This is one of the best-selling motivational books and an inspirational read for anyone seeking to develop resilience to overcome heavy academic challenges. 

#5 YOU CAN WIN by Shiv Kera

As rightfully mentioned in the title, this book is a step-by-step tool for top achievers. This easy-to-read, practical guide will take you from ancient wisdom to contemporary thinking and help you establish new goals that are realistic and achievable. This book empowers you to achieve your goals and utilizes the power of positive thinking to turn weaknesses into opportunities. It is one of the best-selling self-help books as well as among the top motivational books.


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